Partaking of the Lord’s Table… is not simply another segment during the church program every First Sunday. Rather, it is an act of worship, a time of celebration, an opportunity for consecration, but most importantly, a moment for the believer to remember the sacrifice of the very life of Christ so that we can have the privilege of being recipients of the grace of
God; to spend eternity in His presence. 

This book is a fresh look at the Lord’s Supper will encourage and inspire the reader to REMEMBER: Remember that it is the Spirit of Christ that gives the experience at the table its power, not the elements themselves. Remember that it is the consecration of the heart of the Christian that makes the difference, and not the consumption of the elements, themselves. Remember that the Lord’s Table and its sacrament serve as a memorial of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross to settle the debt of the world’s sin.

Come take a “fresh” look at the Lord’s Supper from the New Testament perspective.